Sep 20, 2012

A Healthy Perspective on Weight Loss

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like everywhere I look in health-related magazines and books, weight loss is the theme. Since recently having my second son, losing weight has definitely been on my mind; how much to lose, when to start, what plan to follow, etc? 

Unfortunately, much of the popular press is no help. There seems to be no consistency in what nutrition plan or "diet" works for the long term. Between cleanses, fasts, very low calorie diets, gluten-free, vegan, paleo, etc, it can be very confusing. Naturally, this hodgepodge of diet advice is usually accompanied by images of underweight models and other body types that aren't realistic - or healthy - for most people. Frustrating, right?

Is this what every woman's supposed to look like?? 
I don't think so.

The reality is that we all come in different shapes and sizes and health cannot be defined exclusively by numbers on a scale. Striving for a "perfect" weight can not only lead to disordered eating, but it can take the focus away from the real purpose of being healthy - to enjoy your life!

According to an article from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, there is no "ideal body weight". Living a healthy life can be achieved by following a few simple principles:
  1. Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  2. Get regular physical activity
  3. Look at your health habits and find ways to change those that are unhealthy
  4. Make time for regular physical check-ups
  5. Have your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides checked regularly
Interestingly, following these principles often leads to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, that is, a weight that allows you to enjoy life and be active. I keep all this in mind as I embark on post-baby weight loss round two! My goal is not to get wrapped up in the numbers-game, but to eat well, exercise regularly and enjoy my life. Here I go...


  1. I am good on all those principles except #5! I don't think I have ever had that stuff checked?! Maybe I should as I'm closing in on 30!
    I have about 8-10 pounds I would like to lose, post-baby, but since I maintained a high level of fitness throughout pregnancy, I'm immediately feeling great, back in my routine, and in no rush. It's really nice this time- like you said, enjoying my life!!

  2. You probably had at least blood pressure and blood sugar checked during pregnancy. The other stuff is nice to check once in a while; I think the recommendation is once per year. I totally agree about weight loss. I have about 10lbs to lose also, but don't feel in any rush. It's nice not to stress about the numbers and just focus on enjoying the baby and making sure I eat well for breastfeeding and exercise. Oh and 30? I've got less than a year left!!! Eeeek!

  3. Weight loss managementis not far too difficult nor strange. It simply includes burning more calories than you consume; that is the basic assumption of weight-loss.

  4. I'm struggling with eating less and drinking more water. before, I drank coke and oher fizzy drinks but now I only drink water or tea. Pork used to be my fave kind of food and now I only eat fish or chicken , but there's just one thing which I can't stop eating, the Fat Burners, please help me.
